
24 oktober, 2014

Diy Inspiratie Chanel Graffiti backpack


Hi guys,

I used an old backpack i had from Primarkt.
For painting I used: Sponges, brushes,  yellow, blue, red, Black and white paint.
To decorate I used safety pins, ribbon, fabric and different sizes of chain. 

First I started with mixing paint and water to create a good consistence. Apply the paint with the spong using a patting motion. If the paint comes of to harsh use a clean demp sponge to soften the lines. 

I applied blue and red paint with the sponge all over the bag in random spots. 

Than when the paint dried i came bag and  covered the hole bag in Yellow paint to create that canvas yellow/brown look. Concentrate most on the corners and seams to give it dimension.
I added white spots all over the bag. Than on the lower half of the bag make the quilted effect.

The original backpack has safety pins and ribbons tied together but i think it looks a little to messy for my preference. So I made the classic Chanel chain with ribbon woven trough it but with a twist. I used purple and blue ribbon in the gold chain, I put the different sixes of chain on a safety pin and pined it on the bag and the other end of the chain I sew to the top of the backpack.

And you're done.

Xxx Pablo Salvador

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